Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mobile E-Commerce..a new wave

Mobile commerce or m-commerce is use of wireless devices to enable transitions on the wold wide web. You can use wireless networks through your phone to access the web and perform a wide variety of tasks. Gone are the days where your phone is used just to dial a number, you can now do almost anything through this small device.

People use their phones to do everything from mobile banking to shopping in the palm of their hands at any time or place. This more than anything I believe is going to change e-marketing and the growth of the Internet and the web. Companies should focus on this new era of mobile marketing and develop the software necessary for consumers to reach their products from a hand held device.

In the world of apps there is an app for everything. Recently a law firm even came up with the first app that would assist people in assessing the costs associated with a divorce shown on If you think about it, now consumers who are making a costly decision like that can access your firm, and most likely use you as their legal representative simply because they were able to access information provided by you through their phone.

As phones become more technologically advanced so will the software for them. This can only add to the endless possibilities of advertising and ways that consumers can be directly linked with companies around the globe.

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